AI Professional Associates LinkedIn Group

Please join us on linked-in to participate in the communication and organization of our group. Basic membership to Linked-in is free ( Once you have a profile, you can search for us under groups, “AI Professional Associates Group”. I’ve sent many of you invitations via linked-in already. We are currently discussing some presentation options for the upcoming season.

The professional associates group of the Appraisal Institute (AI), Seattle Chapter, include a full spectrum of emerging and seasoned appraisal and valuation specialist. This group is comprised primarily of individuals who are on the path to designation, MAI and SRA. We are interested in trainee and state certified professionals who have the ambition, intension, and aptitude to reach the top tier of this industry, via the designation.

The key attributes that best define our mission for 2012 are to Recruit, Return, Involve, and Designate, while our primarily goal is to enhance the “value proposition” of associate involvement and career-long membership.

We believe we can achieve our goal by 1. Providing quality speakers and presentations that address relevant and intriguing topics that affect us day-to-day, and expand beyond just appraising, 2. Engaging associate members in the decision making process of the group, such as setting the agenda, planning events, and establishing organizational structure, and 3. Creating comfortable social environments and events that allow us to get to know each other better, and build trust and relationships.

The professional associates group is an extension of the general AI chapter organizational structure. The groups leadership includes a comprehensive mix of four distinct appraisal professions with a diverse background covering nearly all aspects of the industry, and include;

Current Associate Chairs
Diane Hayes, SRA
Patrick Lamb, MAI

Previous Associates Chairs:
Justin Atwell, General Certified
Vince Healy, Residential Certified

The four of us are committed to being a resource for all associates, and we can’t wait to meet you!