In Focus: Jonathan D. Mendoza
“Many Miles Into A Career in Appraisal”
“I’ve always been interested in real estate” are words Jonathan Mendoza speaks with conviction. His journey began with a degree in Real Estate Development from Arizona State University in 2009, though it happened to coincide with the economic recession. Phoenix made Jonathan’s transition into full time employment all the more challenging as one of the urban hubs most severely impacted by the downturn. But he took it as a cue to go in search of a fresh start. Jonathan would find opportunity on the opposite coast, where he worked for three years as a Real Estate Agent in the state of Florida. Orlando was the exact spot on the map where he began to hone his skills while meeting the woman who would later become his wife. The time in Florida was also something of a boot camp in different transactions ranging from short sales to HUD homes and investment properties, allowing Jonathan to immerse himself in valuation and finance, though now with a real world application.
Soon, he and his wife were scouting Midwest and West Coast cities for a more well-rounded place to call home. Or as Jonathan says, they were searching for a “greater sense of community.” Through a serendipitous connection with President/CEO Patrick Lamb, Jonathan agreed to move across the country to work with Lamb Hanson Lamb. Since his arrival, he’s enjoyed the culture offered by the Emerald City and loves sharing the Northwest experience with his wife and young daughter.
Jonathan has been focused on commercial appraisal at Lamb Hanson Lamb since 2014, with clients ranging from private parties to banks and government entities. He continues to develop a breadth of experience from his work appraising marinas, apartments, gas stations, proposed developments, subdivisions, retail, office, and solar assisted apartment developments. One facet of commercial appraisal experiencing significant growth is the valuation of short term rentals, more commonly known as airbnb. In this relatively new market, Jonathan believes it’s his diverse experience and research-intensive approach that sets him apart from other appraisers. When “no two commercial properties are exactly the same,” Jonathan believes in a specific, contextual analysis, tailored to focus on the unique attributes of each property. He credits the modern infrastructure at Lamb Hanson Lamb as an aid in this in-depth process. It’s no wonder he feels home when thinking about Seattle and Lamb Hanson Lamb; a sign that Jonathan’s unlikely personal journey and passion for real estate have reached an important milestone.